Saturday 21 May 2011

Day 19 (19th May)

What  a wonderful day! Glory to God in the Highest. Today is going to be full of activities. We are off to Abeokuta for a couple of projects. We are taking public transportation and that is an experience. Unfortunately, we have to leave Lagos early in the morning right bang in the midst of early morning traffic. My Mum and I, poor ma had to take a morning walk to the transport park.
Off we go. Was this driver speeding or not? Trust my Mum, she can’t drive but she drives verbally than any driver I know. She was telling this man to slow down every few minutes. Did he listen? Of course not. These public transportation drivers are a law unto themselves. Needless to say, I spent the entire trip in prayers. We got there safe and sound.
Abeokuta, the city under the Rock has changed slightly. There is definitely more people, more cars and more traffic in the city. It’s still a beautiful city. Our first port of call was my Uncle’s office. My Uncle, who is my Mum’s immediate senior brother, is a twin (his twin died many years ago even before I was born) and very handsome, even at 78 years he is still standing. He oversees the Oba of Oke Ona’s office (King of Oke-Ona’s office).  Abeokuta has many monarchies in different clan with the overall King known as Alake of Egbaland. It’s been known that my father, Akintoye comes from one of this kingly lineage, the Olowu of Owu. He was meant to be crowned as such about 20 years ago, then there was some family issue and someone else was eventually crowned. It’s a good thing it didn’t happen as far as am concerned because the person that was crowned died not too long after. Anyway, I am not into all these Kingships, I would rather be the child of the King of Kings and a princess in His Kingdom than any earthly kingdom.
Going back to my Uncle, this man’s life is full of experiences. I wish that he or one of my cousins would write his memoirs. It would be filled with learning for young men (and women). I am thinking right now of him being an excellent We CAN (Nigeria) mentors. He, my mum and my Aunt (Mum’s immediate sister) are the remaining siblings from the same mother and father (Rev Jiboku). They are so close, in fact we say if you can’t tell one of them something, just tell either of the two and you would be sure that the third would hear of it. It is great to see such closeness in siblings.
I can really appreciate being mobile with your own vehicle. In Abeokuta, there are small cars which are used as taxis. It’s supposed to carry four passengers but sometimes, they carry two in the front. And they keep picking up passengers along the way which makes your journey twice as long. We just had to make the best of the situation because we need to go about a lot today. One thing which is strange and quite shortsighted of the taxi men is that they don’t do charter. They prefer to do all these short picks ups for 20, 30, 40 naira expending fuel than charging a lump sum to go to a fewer places.
It was a fruitful day. We were able to buy supplies for the project, started the work and also spend time with family. Unless you had a truck, you need to get truck owners to help you to transport building supplies to the site. I was priviledged to be transported in a truck whose gear stick was set so far from the driver, practically right between the passenger seats. Being the slimmer, I got to sit near the driver with my mum by the door. It so happens that the gear stick had to be between my legs. Luckily I was wearing jeans. But I had to hold my giggles anytime the driver had to lean over my left thigh to change the gear. Hilarious!
I also got to see my 84 year old step grandma. The King of Oke-Ona was celebrating 22 years on the Throne and she attended the ceremony. We were there as well briefly as it was being done in the Palace where my Uncle’s office was situated. I managed to take a photograph of the King but unfortunately could not get a good shot of his 3 wives, yes 3 wives. These wives goes everywhere with the King, they wear the same outfit, in fact they look so similar to each other I wonder how the King know which one is which. I still can’t understand how we women can share a man. I don’t get it. My Dad had a few wives but none lived in the same house. Yet, I can’t imagine how one wife would feel when their husband is with another wife. As I was writing this, I asked my mum how she coped, she said she felt disappointed. That she had no choice. I pray that God would give women going through such the grace and the spirit of patience. I understand there are some polygamous homes that worked well. I can never do it. I would rather be single. It’s even depressing writing about it.
I went to meet the Proprietor of a group of private schools who also happens to be my mum’s cousin. This is part of profiling We CAN youth empowerment initiative in Nigeria. The meeting generated a lot of interest which was fantastic. I am quite hopeful that we would be able to partner with private schools as well as public schools to run a series of leadership workshop, develop a mentorship programme that would empower youths in secondary school to chose the career of their choice, where their  gifts and talents lies.
It’s so far so good. I thank you for your mercies oh God Almighty.
Soory, its not possible to upload pictures that goes with the blog. These pictures are available on my facebook.

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