Saturday 14 May 2011

Day 13 (13th May)

I decided to stay at home today after yesterday’s sojourn in Lagos city. I was not able to upload to my blog site yesterday due to the site’s technical problem, which am hoping has been sorted now. I spent most part of the morning at the bank dealing with some transactions on my father’s estate with one of the trustees and my mum. I will not say anything further about banks today.
It’s so hot here and it’s supposed to be the raining season. The Electricity board blessed us with some electricity in the afternoon but took it after about one hour. I decided to give the generator a rest and stayed outside to get some cool breeze. I noticed many small spots on my legs and arms, seems I have been providing some juicy food for the mosquitoes. They’ve been particularly vicious today, both tiny ones and big ones. It’s too hot to cover yourself from head to toe. I forgot to bring the mosquitoes swipes. I definitely need to get some soon.
I managed to catch up a bit with my reading today.  I was reflecting on the Author’s perceptions on Joy. He said we need joy, lots of it. The bible tells us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength that we should rejoice always. As a student of Bible School and School of Disciples, we are taught that Joy is one of the weapons of our warfare. It got me reflecting on whether Joy is a feeling, a decision or both? Can you decide to be joyful even when you don’t feel joyful? I think it is both. If we are meant to rejoice always, sometimes our circumstances does not  facilitate this, and we have to make a conscious decision to be joyful irrespective of what is going on around us. It makes me link this also to love. You make a conscious decision to show love to people because if you have to wait to feel love, you might wait a long time in some people’s case. You know most of what we have to be as children of God requires a conscious decision to be it.  It is a tough call to make this decision and stick to it, to be joyful, to love, to live in peace, to be patient in fact all the aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. Once you make this decision, you need the help of the Holy Spirit to keep to it. Hence, the need to walk with God.
Another insight I got from my reading today was on relationship with People. John Eldridge was indicating, in my understanding that we need to ask God how to deal with people. Most of us we do things and say things automatically without first pausing to ask God what He wants us to say or do. I have been in meetings where we table an issue and people start giving their views. Inside me, I’m thinking shouldn’t we first ask God? I used to think maybe, the other people who have been born again way before me have a way of doing this subconsciously or maybe something was wrong with my own thinking. I’m glad I had it affirmed today.
How do we get to this level of taking a pause before we do or say anything regarding all aspect of our relationships with people? Some people might think it is impossible for every single interaction. I say it is possible but it would require a conscious decision. God is awesome.
I can feel the mosquitoes trying to suck me dry this evening. I need to pack up my laptop and face them squarely. To God is the glory. I thank you Father for today.

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