Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 113 to 119 (22nd to 28th Aug)

There is always something peaceful about coming back to one’s home Country, at least for me. I know some Nigerians who can’t wait to leave anytime they had to come home maybe for a family celebration or the other. The weather is cool and I’m going without needing a fan or air conditioner. It’s great.
There is a lot of logistical arrangements to organize for the event. My first priority is to get the bank account opened, followed by finalizing the hall rental and then the publicity materials and advert.
Monday morning saw me at First Bank, a long time established bank. I was able to open the Account without too much stress. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I have a savings account with First Bank which I drew down to bare minimum because I wanted to concentrate on my account at Intercontinental Bank, a new generation bank. Unfortunately, this bank has been going through some financial mismanagement crisis for a while now and I was advised to get my money out of it, so am back to my neglected ‘first wife’ so to speak. The First Bank branch where I used to go was a dreary place but they have now moved to a new building which is much more pleasant and the service is better. I couldn’t wait to revive my old account. We now have a We CAN bank account in Nigeria. My next target now is to register We CAN in the United Kingdom!
My next focus is to get the venue sorted and also the flier design. We were able to confirm the hall booking and eventually paid on Thursday. I have to say, I went through some panic attack before paying for the hall. Basically, once you pay, don’t expect a refund, so one has to be sure before you let your money go. I thank God for His guidance and assurance through His Words. Our vision to impact life through imparting knowledge, skills and information is in line with God’s command for us to love our neighbors. I know what we are doing is one demonstration of love, so it is right. We also have to work by faith. A successful and fulfilling life is not lived in the comfort of one’s chair, one has to get up, take a step and take the risk. You sow sparingly you reap sparingly, you sow bountifully you reap bountifully. .
The design of the flier was done by the brother of a friend of mine WG designs. I was impressed by his patience and commitment. The design turnaround was so fast, in less than 48 hours and he kept keeping me in the loop on the progress. I was really impressed. I hope he keeps this up and I will definitely be working with him from now and recommending him.
We now need to publicize the event. I’ve been trying to get in touch with friends and colleagues. One of the challenges of doing an event in Nigeria is this snobbish attitude about ‘name’. Some parts of the city example Ikoyi, Victoria Island wants to read popular names for seminars. But, we have decided to pitch the event at the masses. It’s not feeding the ego of the already privileged but the less privileged. If our goal is to make massive money then we can target the already rich who do not know what to do with their money. There are so many people who are hard working and desire the opportunity to make a decent living but are challenged one way or the other. We just have to help people in the way we can using the gift and talent God has given us. I wish for the time when we would organize empowerment events in Nigeria free. It shall happen.
I have found that you make headway with people in Nigeria when they meet you rather than through email or telephone. I was able to make three very good future partners in less than a week that I was here. I really wish I had the opportunity to have spent a month here before the event to really do some networking. But, anyway this is learning for our future event. I think once we do this one, we would use it to start doing some networking for next year’s event which I’m hoping would target Youths unless my senior partner (Holy Spirit) has a different target group in mind.
Nigeria is such an interesting Country. We are our own worst enemies. When I told some people about Project impact lives and change communities, I met with skepticism. My response was if we keep saying the Country is bad, until someone start doing good, it will never get better. Change starts from me and from you. We know what the culture is and we can use the wisdom of God to do the right thing even amidst this culture of bribery and corruption. As a Christian, we pray to God for wisdom, do we not believe that God will give us this? If I am duped or lied to, I don’t worry about it because I know God is the one that fights my battle. I feel sorry for the person in fact because they would be going against my God who is mighty in battle. I have learnt from God a few years ago not to worry about what people do to me because He takes care of that, I only need to focus on what I do to and for people. Nigeria will be a Country of honor, integrity and love for each other. When the Israelites were in Egypt it felt like there is no way out, did God not arise for them, saying He has heard their cries? Aren’t there godly men and women in the land of Nigeria who cry day and night to God to deliver the nation from evil men and women who are holding the nation in bondage? Is God deaf to their cries? Are we calling God a liar when He says He hears the cry of the righteous? We must persist in praying for the Country and we shall see a wave of change blow over the nation. It will happen in my generation. You can call me an idealist I don’t care. All I know is that God answers prayers. To think, believe or act otherwise is blasphemy. We should continue to pray for our leaders because when the head is well, the whole body will be as well. I will do my own part, what about you?
I’ve been able to get some reading done this week, which is great. After spending the day talking, writing and going about, I feel like just relaxing my brain with some reading. I am reading a book given to me by an ex-colleague titled ‘how to be like Women of Influence’ written by husband and wife team, Pat and Ruth Williams. It’s a good book and it gives you a mini bio of women like Mother Theresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Frank, Marie Curie, Oprah Winfrey and others. I am sharing some of the inspiring words on my facebook. As I’m reading about these women, it’s given me the affirmation that what I’m trying to do through We CAN is the right way. When you discover your passion and you use this for the benefit of other people, it is the right thing and the right way. It might take time to see impact but it will come if you just persist, be hard working, be willing to take risk and be ready to do majority work yourself at least in the beginning. Each one of these women, as far as I’ve read, were working in the area of their gift and they work to help people and the society. I wish more Christ followers would have this attitude and the courage to do more than just focus on their own personal comfort. I can’t imagine the impact we would make in this world, when we work with God to change the world. Rather most of us want to be ‘rich’ first and then we can help others. Why not the other way round? Help others first and see God enrich you so that you can continue helping other people.
Sometime ago, I was reading (eventually did not finish it) a book on the most successful entrepreneurs in Africa written by a lady called Makura. That book was all men not one single woman. I want to see one with all women. I think I will write Makura on this because I know there are many successful women entrepreneurs in Africa. Although to be fair, she did acknowledge this gap in her book.
Whilst being successful business men and women is good, I would like to read about Inspiring Men in this decade. After Mandela, which men are there that fought for the good of the society, in particular Africa? We need a new breed of Inspiring men and women. Why not you? Why not me?
I was hurt by a friend this week. My expectation from fellow Christians is in line with the godly character described in the bible. Sometimes I do feel that this might be a tall order. But if we say this would we make it to Heaven?. The standard for making heaven is clear in the bible whether it is a tall order or not. I expect to be treated with respect and love from my fellow Christ followers just as I expect myself to treat others as such. Showing respect and love is not that difficult when you treat people the way you want to be treated, and you make it a decision. You don’t wait to feel respect or feel love before you demonstrate this to other people. It’s not only what you say that can hurt people, it’s also what you do not say that makes the other person feel bad. There is that adage that says action speaks louder than words. I will add my own to say action speaks louder than words and it hurts more than words. I have decided to forgive and move on.
I have been learning a lot about making things happen in general and in Nigeria specifically. I cannot emphasize enough the power of networking and building relationships. I think we must add this to our teaching material. Anyone who is in business or want to get things done must spend time to build and cultivate relationships. I am taking my own advice and will be going to my secondary school (Government College Ikorodu) old student association meeting on Saturday 27th. I’ve never been to one but I keep track on their activities through facebook and emails. It would be great to see old faces if I can recognize them. We are also planning to do a career and motivational talk as part of the event in September.
I have some fantastic men and woman of God supporting this event, all of them are speaking at the event,  and even using their own funds to come down to Nigeria, Tosin from South Africa and Tunde from United Kingdom. We also have a South African Deon and Begay from Gambia who would be visiting Nigeria for the first time. I am so humbled and inspired by these people who are so passionate for Christ and are so committed to do His leading in all areas of their lives. God is the only one who can reward them. I am so looking forward to our time at this event and also the school career and motivational talks we will be doing in some public secondary schools in Lagos and Abeokuta.
I must really add to my journal my experience of interviewing some young people for the publicity job. Out of seven called for interview, only one has turned for the interview so far. I still have two more to see on Monday but it’s not encouraging. And these are youths that are not working. The mindset is really not about working but wanting to make money right now this minute. Not one of them even called to cancel their appointment which goes to show the level of integrity they have. There is so much work to be done with young people to change their mindset about living a principled life with integrity underpinned by willingness for hard work and to learn. The one that I have inter viewed really impressed me with his time keeping, his patience and his willingness to work hard to achieve his ambition. Needless to say, I have had to rope in other people. I never work without a plan B and C, sometimes even plan D and F. When you work with God there is always an alternative. This is something that always push me to obey God because He will get other people if you refuse, and then who is the loser?

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day 85 to 91 (25th to 31st July 2011)

The week started for me in sunny Dakar, Senegal recovering from jet lag. I spent most of the day sleeping after going into the office in the morning to see my old finance and admin team. A few of them are still around. There are some old timers in the office, people who have been with the organization for like twenty years, fifteen years and so on. They are in a new office and a lot more staff than when I was here. It was lovely to see them after six years
I heard about Amy Winehouse death early this week. I was so sad. What a waste of talent. May God have mercy on her Soul?  I asked myself whether she has fulfilled her purpose in life, a life that was cut short at such a tender age. This made me think again about our purpose in life. Why were we born? None of us ever chose to be born. When we began to become conscious about your-self, we don’t remember where we were before then, nothing at all. You start living life, putting plans in place along the way and then one day you die. Is that the reason we came into this world? How many people fulfill this reason by the time they die? These questions made me decide to research and write on purpose. If you are reading this and are interested in what I have to say, you would need to read my article on We CAN blog.
I had to prepare for my training session for Tuesday and Wednesday. It’s purely finance and not leadership for a group of fifteen programme staff from the different offices in West Africa, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Niger and Senegal. This is a good initiation into the world of consultancy.
I finished my training today, very exhausting but had very positive feedback from the participants. I am thinking of writing a finance training manual that reflects where we are now in terms of new initiative. I’m a bit wary about taking on another initiative in the remaining half of my leave though. I will try and put some structure down now it’s fresh in my head, then would think about finalizing it later. One thing though, training people is one of my purpose in life. I love imparting knowledge and skills to empower and equip people. I feel so content when I hear people talk about what new or different thing they have learnt.
I’m straight unto preparing for another project that I’ve been asked to do in Liberia. This time a review of a project implemented with donor funds. It’s nice to have unplanned income. All glory be to God. I think I might really like this consultancy thing, work for two weeks earn nearly a full month’s salary and take the remaining two weeks off?
It’s been an amazing week in Dakar. It’s funny I don’t feel much sense of déjà vu because the RC is not in the same office, there are a lot more people than before and the environment is much different. There are still most of my finance team around and some other programme and logistics team. It sure was great to spend time with them all.
Dakar, the city though is changed a lot. It’s dirtier, more high rise building which I have to say was already starting before I left in 2004. Though for a Country that do not manufacture or export, there are questions on how and where the money comes from. Politically, there are rumbling of citizen dis-satisfaction with the intent of the President, Mr. Abdoulaye Wade to change the constitution to pave way for him to be President for life (he is 85 years old!) and subsequently hand over power to his son. I don’t know what is wrong with our Africa leaders. They get intoxicated with power, don’t want to leave and want to make it a family affair. It’s great though to see the Citizen’s of a nation take action against unconstitutional and unfair government practice especially in this part of Africa. I give Kudos to Malawi for their stand as well.
I have been staying with my friend Begay and it’s been good spending time together. She is a We CAN Board member as well. She is the founder of Life Solutions and they’ve started wonderful initiatives to equip and empower people. Do check them out on the web;
I am sitting at the Accra International Airport updating my journal today the 1st of Aug and the time is about quarter past twelve mid-day. The Airport is quite nice and fully air-conditioned the minute you step into the building. I’m reading the ‘One minute Entrepreneur’ by Ken Blanchard and Don Hutson. It’s a very easy read and you pick up some tips and some interesting quotes. One says, ‘you get what you want in life if you help other people get what they want’, another one says, ‘Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation’. Although for this one I think not necessarily all the time, it is possible for success to occur when you create the opportunity. Think about Bill Gates, he changed the world’s view and the use of personal computers. He did not wait for the opportunity to come but revolutionize the computer world.
Talking about opportunity, I saw the set of women in Ashilem market in Dakar making beautifully designed hats from wired like string. I don’t know what to call the mesh, yes I think that is it wire like mesh. One can squeeze the hat and it springs back. It brings to mind entrepreneurship. It’s a new kind of hat and might become quite marketable.
On our trip to Ashilem, we went to the food section of the market. Oh my word, I don’t know whether flies were having a meeting that day but the way there settled amongst the food being sold might put me off for life if not that I like food so much. Take a look if you can see them in the meeting inside the fish calabash!